JCHO玉造病院 骨粗鬆症・転倒予防チーム TAMATSUKU RE:BONEが企画 病院に勤務する全ての職員を対象とした骨粗鬆症に関する教育研修を開催 研修終了後、確認テストを提出した職員には『WOD2023 オリジナルチョコレート』をプレゼント
JCHO Tamatsukuri Hospital Osteoporosis and Falls Prevention Team TAMATSUKU RE: BONE organises
Education and training on osteoporosis for all staff working at the hospital.
After the training, staff who submitted a confirmation test were presented with "WOD2023 Original Chocolates".
Event info:

Monday, October 2, 2023 to
Friday, October 20, 2023

松江市 , Japan

Organized by:
JCHO Tamatsukuri Hospital Osteoporosis and Falls Prevention Team JCHO玉造病院