Get involved

World Osteoporosis Day, marked on October 20th each year, is a prime time to put the spotlight on osteoporosis. Below, read about this year’s campaign theme, and how you can get involved and support the campaign in a number of ways.

About the 2024 World Osteoporosis Day Campaign

Under the banner of ‘Say no to fragile bones’, this year’s World Osteoporosis Day campaign will seek to put an end to the inertia surrounding bone health by urging people of all ages to value and protect their bones. The following messages will be addressed to people of all ages, patients, healthcare professionals and health authorities:

1. Our bone health is precious. Healthy bones are at the core of our well-being, mobility and independence. People of all ages should protect their bone health by taking early action for osteoporosis prevention through bone-healthy nutrition, regular weight-bearing physical activity, and avoidance of negative lifestyle factors like smoking.

2. Osteoporosis matters. Osteoporosis is a serious health threat with potentially devasting consequences. Recognizing individual risk factors, prioritizing bone health (as we do cardiovascular health!), asking for osteoporosis screening or testing upon identification of risk factors, and adhering to any prescribed medication regimen: through these strategies, we can bridge the osteoporosis care gap, safeguarding our mobility and independence as we age.

3. Make bone health a healthcare policy priority. With up to 37 million fragility fractures occurring globally each year, osteoporosis poses an enormous human and health economic burden worldwide. Health authorities must prioritize bone health in a number of ways, including by investing in post-fracture care services. These services ensure that every fracture patient aged 50+ who goes to a hospital with a broken bone is expertly assessed and treated for osteoporosis to prevent recurring and potentially life-threatening fractures.

> Learn more about the campaign and download the Campaign Toolkit and WOD logos

> Download this year’s WOD posters and social media banners

Hold an event - share our resources

Through social media or a WOD event of your own, you can support the cause and help spread our ‘Take action for bone health’ message locally. We provide many posters and infographics (in multiple languages) which can be downloaded and displayed at your event, in your office or school.

World Osteoporosis Day, marked on October 20th each year, is a prime time to put the spotlight on osteoporosis. You can get involved and support the campaign in a number of ways.

Global patient charter

Show your commitment on this year's World Osteoporosis Day by signing the IOF Global Patient Charter. You will be joining a worldwide call for improved patient care, and helping to raise the profile of this silent disease among healthcare authorities worldwide. By voicing our concern collectively, we can all help to make fracture prevention a global health priority.

Add your voice to our global call for osteoporosis patient rights

Share your story

Are you living with osteoporosis or taking steps to make your bone health a priority?
We want to hear your story. Submit it to to have your story highlighted in our patient stories section.

Find a world osteoporosis day event near you

Stay tuned for news on local World Osteoporosis Day Events organized by national societies in your region.
If you are a national society or organization interested in putting on a World Osteoporosis Day event, download our toolkit and register your event here to gain visibility on our World Osteoporosis Day events map.

Interested in receiving news from the international osteoporosis foundation?

Sign up to receive our 206 newsletter with IOF news, webinars, publications, event information, and much more!

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Contact your local osteoporosis society

If you have osteoporosis, contact your local osteoporosis society which can provide helpful information and support. A list of IOF member societies is available here.

About Osteoporosis

What is osteoporosis?

Worldwide, one in three women and one in five men aged 50 years and over will suffer an osteoporotic fracture. Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and fragile, so that they break easily – even as a result of a minor fall, a bump, a sneeze, or a sudden movement. Fractures caused by osteoporosis can be life-threatening and a major cause of pain and long-term disability.

The care gap

Can osteoporosis and fractures be prevented? Yes, if action is taken early!

Fractures due to osteoporosis have a devastating impact on millions of people worldwide and result in enormous socio-economic costs to society and healthcare systems. Yet, despite effective medical advances to reduce fractures, a minority of men and women receive treatment.

Only 20% of patients with osteoporotic fractures are actually diagnosed or treated for osteoporosis, the underlying disease. In 2010, in Europe alone some 12.3 million people considered to be at a high risk for osteoporotic fractures were left untreated.

The 5 steps to healthy bones and a fracture-free future

steps healthy


Exercise regularly - keep your bones and muscles moving

Weight-bearing, muscle-strengthening and balance-training exercises are best.

steps healthy


Ensure your diet is rich in bone-healthy nutrients

Calcium, vitamin D and protein are the most important for bone health. Safe exposure to sunshine will help you get enough vitamin D.

steps healthy


Avoid negative lifestyle habits

Maintain a healthy body weight, avoid smoking and excessive drinking.

steps healthy

4Risk factors

Find out whether you have risk factors

Bring these to your doctor’s attention, especially if you’ve had a previous fracture, have a family history of osteoporosis, or take specific medications that affect bone health

steps healthy

5Testing & Treatment

Get tested and treated if needed

If you’re at high risk you will likely need medication and lifestyle changes to help protect yourself against fractures.

Want to know more?

Learn more about osteoporosis and prevention.

Have risk factors? talk to your doctor, ask for testing

To become aware of any potential risk factors, take the IOF Osteoporosis Risk Check.

If you are over the age of 50 and you have one or more risk factors you should discuss these with your doctor and ask for an assessment of your bone health status. Lifestyle changes may be recommended and, for those at high risk, medication may be prescribed for optimal protection against fractures.

We welcome your donation

IOF welcomes your donation

Donate now and support our mission to:

  • Educate the public and medical professionals about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis and musculoskeletal disorders;
  • Convince policy-makers that osteoporosis and fragility fracture prevention must be prioritized in healthcare systems;
  • Provide support and trustworthy information to people with osteoporosis, their families and friends - and encourage them to engage in their health care and long-term bone health.
  • Organize training conferences and meetings of health professionals and scientists that focus on musculoskeletal diseases;
  • Publish scientific research to advance knowledge and improve treatment and medical care.





Learn More About the Survey


Are you at risk?

Take the osteoporosis risk check

Check now

Want to learn more about osteoporosis?

Let your voice be heard!

Sign the iof global patient charter

Sign charter

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of people from around the world



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